Ready to Reopen?


2 mins read

What to do – and when to do it.

In our COVID-19 world, social distancing is the new normal for so many of us. But keeping six feet of space between each other may take some getting used to – especially in busy restaurants! Although reopening guidelines come from a number of sources and differ geographically, there are a few common themes that have been tried and tested.

  1. Keep healthy
    Post clear policies including mask wearing or symptom checking before a customer enters. This will protect them and your employees. Brief your teams as to why you need to keep people safe.  

  2. Stay nimble
    Things can change on a daily basis during a pandemic. Have a Plan B (and maybe even a Plan C!) and cover off as many scenarios as you can so you can keep trading – while keeping metrics.

  3. Focus on favourites
    Offer a tighter, more focused menu so you can plan ahead and know customers will support it. Explain why they’re firm favourites and celebrate them.

  4. Keep safe zones
    Set up separate zones between FOH (Front of House) & BOH (Back of House) and create a buffer between those who can touch food and those who can’t. Have separate entrances for FOH and BOH if possible and make use of visual cues (glove colours, aprons, head covering color).

  5. No contact for customers
    Main considerations here include the table setting (minimal), how food is ordered (digital, disposable menus), and how food arrives (minimal/unified people who deliver).

  6. Keep it clear and simple
    Clear, concise and complete information is key for everyone from employees to customers.