Egmont Rēwena Bread


1 min read

Rēwena Bug:
    1   Medium-sized potato, sliced
    750 ml Water
    500 gr Flour
    1 tsp Sugar
        Lukewarm water, on hand
Rēwena Bread:
5 cups Flour
50 gr Sugar
1 tsp Salt
350 mls Anchor Blue Top Milk
300 gr Mainland Egmont Grated
Edamame, Avocado, Chilli & Feta:
2 tbsp Edamame 
50 gr Ripe avocado 
1 tsp Fresh red chilli, sliced 
30 gr Mainland Special Reserve Creamy Feta 
1 tsp Lemon, zest and juice 
    Season to taste
5 ea Cherry tomatoes
5 slices Fresh breakfast radish
Rēwena Bug:
  1. Cook the potato in the water. Once cooked, set the pot aside until the water is luke warm, then mash the potato with the sugar and plain flour. Continue mixing until a gluey texture forms. Transfer the mixture into a large glass jar and cover. Leave in a warm place until the mixture forms bubbles and doubles in size.
Rēwena Bread:
  1. Once the bug is ready, combine the first lot of flour, sugar and salt into a large mixing bowl, and make a well in the centre of the bowl and add the bug (approximately 500g).
  2. Add water to the mixture in two lots, combining the water thoroughly with the mixture each time.
  3. Turn the dough onto a flour dusted bench, and gently knead the dough for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Place the dough into a greased bowl, cover and leave in a warm place to prove (2–3 hours).
  5. Remove the dough from the bowl and knock back the dough, then gently knead for a further 2 minutes.
  6. Cut the dough in half and place into two greased loaf tins.
  7. Cover and allow to prove for a second time (45 minutes).
  8. Once the doughs double their sizes, make cuts across the top of the bread, and place into a preheated oven at 180°C, and bake the bread for approximately 35–45 minutes.
  9. Allow the bread to cool before slicing.
Edamame, Avocado, Chilli & Feta:
  1. Lightly mash together edamame, avocado, lemon juice and zest. 
  2. Fine dice radish, slice chilli, dice tomatoes and add to avo mash. 
  3. Fold in crumbled feta and season to taste.
  4. Serve atop toasted Egmont R¯ewena Bread & garnish with lime roasted pepitas & poached egg.
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Find the ingredients to make Egmont Rēwena Bread today!